Alex Loglia – HOTT – Impfungen

HOTT_vaccinationsIch möchte euch im Voraus warnen, Leute, denn ich werde heute Abend sehr viel vorlesen. Ich werde eine Menge verschiedener Leute zitieren und ich möchte, dass ihr von Anfang an versteht, dass ich mir nichts davon ausdenke, was ich heute Abend hier sagen werde, sondern dass alles, was ich hier erwähne, eine wissenschaftliche Tatsache ist, die ich durch meine eigenen Nachforschungen entdeckt habe.

Ich warne euch deswegen, weil ihr nicht glauben werden wollt, was ihr gleich hören werdet. Ich werde heute Abend mit euch über Impfungen sprechen. Die meisten von euch da draußen haben wahrscheinlich irgendwann in ihrem Leben eine Form von Impfung erhalten, oder ihr habt vielleicht Kinder, die im Prozess sind, Impfungen zu erhalten.

Nun, ich habe einige sehr schlechte Nachrichten für euch, Leute, ihr wurdet wieder einmal betrogen. Ich bin sicher, dass ihr wie ich aufgezogen wurdet zu glauben, dass die Ärzte wissen, was am besten für euch ist und dass alles, was aus der Pharma-Industrie kommt, gemacht wurde, um euch zu helfen, und dass alles, was Ärzte tun, sicher, gut getestet und bewährt ist, einschließlich Impfungen. Weiterlesen

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Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 21 – Secret Societies and Alchemical Theme

Good evening, folks, you are listening to The Hour of the Time. I am William Cooper. Well, tonight you need to get your pen and notebook and get ready for some pretty heavy stuff to come your way, because we are going to do it again. We are continuing with our groping around in the darkness, try and find some light. *laughs*

But, before we get started I need to remind you that we need donations. Its November. I would really like to get all the donations in and get everything paid and get all that stuff out of the way, so I don’t have to continually be reminding you throughout the month to send in your donations, but we need them. Without your donations we cant do anything. We cant stay on the air, we cant even live, to tell you the truth, we cant even buy food. So, send your donations to HOTT, and remember, folks, we can only accept blank money orders or cash. If you send me a check, I am going to tear it up and throw it away. I can’t use a check. I can’t cash it, okay? Don’t even want to cash it. The only thing we can accept is blank money orders. That means you can get a money order in any amount, leave it blank, keep the receipt, send us the money order, or cash, or gold or silver coin, okay? Blank money order, cash, gold or silver coin. We need your donations right now. Right now, folks, so please don’t wait, get it in the mail, get it to us, so we can continue to operate. Send them to HOTT, P.O. Box 940, Eager, Arizona 85925.

Get ready, folks, it’s going to blow your mind. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Literatur, Luziferische Elite, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , | 1 Kommentar

Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 20 – Mystery Of Fulcanelli

You are listening to The Hour of the Time. I am William Cooper. Good evening, folks. Tonight is one of those nights, so you’d better get pen and paper and pencil and something to snack on and maybe a glass of water or tea or whatever it is that you like to drink while you listen to The Hour of the Time. You are going to want to take notes and I will give you some books that you are going to want to read as we continue on our quest, our little march toward Albion.

[Intro music: The Rose by Unknown artist]

Tonight, folks, we are going to talk about one of the greatest mysteries of the last century. From our perspective, during the second year of the new millennium, cosmic end of cycle perspective, World War I, „The Great War“, to those who lived through it, feels as ancient as all those other senseless years in history. Our only connections with that conflict are faded sepia-toned images of our ancestors, killing each other for reasons vaguely understood, even to themselves. Most people, even in this listening audience, would be hard to put to explain exactly why World War I was fought, and why so many men went to give their lives in it. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Literatur, Luziferische Elite, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , | Kommentar hinterlassen

Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 19 – Meaning Of The Rose

You are listening to The Hour of the Time. I am William Cooper. Well, folks, last night, I don’t think we had too much of a listening audience. We had an Aurora Borealis over Maine, where the transmitter is, and I think the signal was skipping from Monicello, Maine, to Kennebunk, Maine, and that’s about as far as it went. Normally they cant get it in Kennebunk very well, because if you are close to a shortwave station it sort of skips right over you. But last night they were getting the broadcast really well in Kennebunk, Maine, so apparently it was going straight up and was coming straight down, almost. An Aurora Borealis is a tremendous magnetic disturbance around the earth and in the atmosphere and also across the country in the North-West United States, all across, from border to border, across the top half of the United States and portions of the East Coast and some of the South-Eastern states were having some pretty bad weather. And so its questionable whether many people heard the broadcast last night at all. And so I am just here to tell you that, *laughs* it was a good one and you can call Annie at this number tomorrow and find out how to order the tape if you want to have it. Tonight I am going to start off by opening the phones and asking a question, I want somebody to answer who or what is the „bright and morning star“? Who or what is the „bright and morning star“, the number is 502-333-4578. It has everything in the world to do with tonight’s broadcast, so if you think you know the answer, give me a call, right now, 520-333-4578. The question is: „Who or what is the bright and morning star“? Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Literatur, Luziferische Elite, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , | Kommentar hinterlassen

Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 18 – Luciferian Philosophy

You are listening to The Hour of the Time. I am William Cooper. Well, everybody here is running around like a chicken with the head cut off you would think we have never done this before, folks. *laughs* The girls are not here to do the pledge and Doyle is looking for a key piece of equipment that we need to take calls later. Isn’t it incredible? And, here it is, okay. Thank you, Doyle.

Doyle: Alright.

WC: Okay. So, just to give you a little lowdown on whats going on, folks, and let you know how bad this economic crisis really is, I will give you the statistics. Hot off the presses, so to speak. Now, I took these off the stock exchange before it closed, so they could be up or down a little bit, but, believe me folks, this is right on the money, even if they close a little higher or lower than what we have here today, the percentages are still going to work out right on the money. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Literatur, Luziferische Elite, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , | Kommentar hinterlassen

Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 17 – Book report – Bloodline #2

You are listening to The Hour of the Time. I am William Cooper. And what an hour it is. And what a time it is, ladies and gentlemen. We are living literally in one of the great turning points of history. And the future is going to be one of the most magnificent, wonderful events that is ever transpired or we are going to slide backwards into the darkest most miserable slavery that the world has ever known.

And everyone knows that there is something terribly wrong, but only a few of us are able to put our finger on it, give it a name and point the finger at those responsible. Don’t go away, I will be right back and we will continue with part two of our book report on Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed by Laurence Gardner with a foreword by Prince Michael of Albany.

We left off yesterday where Laurence Gardner was building the case for the world to accept a Messiah king from the bloodline that he and other orders of the Illuminati claim is a direct descendant through Jesus Christ to the legendary and biblical House of David, which was given the divine right to rule by God. The only problem, as I pointed out yesterday, is in his doing this, it is one of the more successful attempts that getting people to disregard the legitimacy of the Holy Bible, or Christianity, because that is the target. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Literatur, Luziferische Elite, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , | Kommentar hinterlassen

Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 16 – Book report – Bloodline #1

You are listening to The Hour of the Time. I am William Cooper. Ladies and gentlemen, today is gonna be quite an eye opener, I think, and I think you going to enjoy it. Remember, I’ve been telling you for years that the Illuminati are attempting to pull off one of the biggest hoaxes of all time, trying to tell us that Jesus did not die on the cross, that he was married to Mary Magdalene, that they bore a child, that child was taken to the British Isles, where he grew up to found the Merovingian bloodline of kings, which eventually became the House of Stuart, and that in the coming New World Order they will present a Messiah to the world who will ascend to the throne of the world. Of course the real power will reside in a council of wise men behind the throne. And all nation states will cease to exist, there will be regional governments with parliaments, etc, etc, etc.

I have been telling you that for years, you’ve all been telling me that I am crazy, and today I am going to give you verification from one of the highest members of what is known today as the Illuminati, Mr. Laurence Gardner, and I think you are going to find todays broadcast quite illuminating, to say the least. Don’t go away, I will be back after this short pause.

[Intro music: Seal – If I Could] Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Literatur, Luziferische Elite, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , | Kommentar hinterlassen

Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 15 – Christian Identity – British Israelism #2

[William Cooper]: You’re listening to The Hour of the Time. I’m William Cooper. Today is January the 12th 1998, and the world is not in good shape, ladies and gentlemen. This nation is not in good shape. You are very quickly losing your heritage, losing your liberties, your freedom. Your children are losing their opportunities that so many Americans died to hand down to their posterity, or so they thought. I want you to make good note of tonights broadcast, it is a continuation of that which we did on Friday. This one will be the clarifying mixture, I suspect. And for those of you who don’t understand any of it, if you are a Christian and you want to know the truth, just go to the New Testament and read only the words in red, don’t bother with any other word in the whole book, read only the words in red. For they will lead you to the right path and to the gate, which is narrow. *laughs*

You see, everybody spends so much time, allowing themselves – and when I say allowing, I mean it, whole-heartedly, for its the truth, allowing themselves to be grasped in the coils of deception. If you’re a Christian, then you know that the great deceiver, the great liar, the great manipulator is called Satan. If you want to know where Satan resides, if you want to know who he is, look around and see who is telling you all the lies. It’s as simple as that. Who is lying to you, entrapping you, deceiving you, manipulating you, entrapping you, wrapping the coils of the Serpent around you. And of course, if you are not a Christian, you’re of some other religion, the same thing applies, ladies and gentlemen, even if you don’t believe in a Satan. Lies and deception and manipulation are wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong! And the only people who practice those things are evil people. You see, they have to lie to you, deceive you and manipulate you because if they told you the truth you would throw them into prison and lock them up forever. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Literatur, Luziferische Elite, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , | Kommentar hinterlassen

Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 14 – Christian Identity – British Israelism #1

[William Cooper]: Good evening, you’re listening to The Hour of the Time. I am William Cooper. Once again, folks, make sure that you have pen and paper by your side, because once again we’re gonna talk about something that you need to know, and something that also some people are going to find extremely controversial. Be that as it may, we are still gonna talk about it.

I’m tired, we took the dogs up onto the top of the mountain today to run and play in the deep snow, and got stuck, twice, and thats with a 4-wheel drive vehicle. *laughs* It was a lot of fun and I worked my tail off in getting out of there, so I’m little bit sore and very tired. So I hope you will take that into consideration if I make some mistakes tonight.

We are going to be discussing British Israelism, known in this country as Christian Identity. It is a racist doctrine, that proclaims a master race, descended from the house of David, actually farther back than that. *laughs* They claim that they are the descendants of Seth, and that everybody else in the world are the descendants of Cain and if you ain’t one of them, you ain’t nothing, you ain’t nobody and they don’t want you around, simple as that. They are racist, and everything that they do and say, although, if you ask them about it, they will tell you that they are racialist, *laughs* And that they really don’t have any objections to other races, they just don’t want live with them. And I’m here to tell you thats the biggest bunch of B.S. you ever heard in your life. If these people ever came to a position of real power, by real power I mean control, they would destroy anyone who doesn’t believe as they believe, who doesn’t look like they look, and isn’t of their race. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Literatur, Luziferische Elite, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , | Kommentar hinterlassen

Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 13 – The Lost Light #6

[William Cooper]: You are listening to the worldwide Freedom Radio Network.

This is the voice of freedom.


You are listening to the worldwide Freedom Radio Network.

[HOTT Intro]

You are listening once again to The Hour of the Time. I am William Cooper. Ladies and gentlemen, remember, next month is October. That’s the witching month for financial catastophy. If you look back through history at the financial dives that the stockmarket has taken, almost all of them – not all of them – but almost all of them have occured in the month of October. We know that one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto ist to eliminate the middle class, what they call the Bourgeois. *laughs* And, we also know, ladies and gentlemen, that its getting close to Waltz time, the magical hour when the bell tolls midnight and ushers in the new millenium, which the secret societies and the full body of adepts, known as the Illuminati, refer to as the Golden Dawn, the New Age, the culmination of the Great Work, the Great Plan, the recovery of the Lost Light, the manifestation of the Lost Word, etc, etc, etc. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Luziferische Elite, Medien, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , | Kommentar hinterlassen

Mystery Babylon III (Bill Cooper) – 12 – The Lost Light #5

Pooh: This is my Daddy’s station. I’m Pooh. Classic radio, like you always wished it could be. 101.1 FM Eager.

Womans voice: 101.1 FM is owned and operated by the Independent Foundation Trust as a non-profit community service.

WC: This is the voice of freedom.


WC: You are listening to the worldwide Freedom Radio Network.

[HOTT Intro]

I’m William Cooper and this is The Hour of the Time. Make sure you have pen and paper, again, ready with you tonight, ladies and gentlemen, because once again we are going to be covering some highly unusual information. But I wanna tell you right of the bet, if you have a computer, there is nothing that I’m going to give you tonight that is not on our website. So, if you miss something, you can go to the website, and you can get all of this stuff. Well, not quite all of it, almost all of it. Let me put it that way. So, pay attention, because this is one of those nights on your continuing education on the Lost Light. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Literatur, Luziferische Elite, Mystery Babylon | Verschlagwortet mit , , , | Kommentar hinterlassen